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"Speaking of Vitiligo..."

I am a physician-scientist who focuses my clinical and research efforts on vitiligoI am a physician-scientist who focuses my clinical and research efforts on vitiligo, and therefore I think about this disease a lot – all the time, in fact. Therefore I thought it would be helpful to share my thoughts with others who are interested in vitiligo as well, particularly the patients who suffer from it and their loved ones. I want to make clear that while I am affiliated with many vitiligo organizations, my comments in this blog are my own, and do not reflect the opinions of those organizations. In addition, my research is largely focused on finding new treatments, and ultimately a cure, for vitiligo. This work is supported by a number of sources, including pharmaceutical companies, which by definition creates potential conflicts of interest. In full disclosure, here is a list of our vitiligo research supporters. Please know that, to the best of my ability, all of my comments are unbiased reflections of my understanding of vitiligo as both a physician and scientist. I do not permit advertisements on my website, and do not endorse companies or products that may advertise on other sites that may be referenced here.

What is World Vitiligo Day?

Posted On: martes, junio 25, 2024

World Vitiligo Day isn't just a date on the calendar, it's a global movement dedicated to raising awareness, advocating for people with vitiligo, and fostering a strong sense of community. Every June 25th, we unite under the color purple, not just for awareness, but to celebrate the remarkable journey we share.

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Vitiligo Research Participation Survey

Posted On: viernes, abril 29, 2022


This study requires a large number of volunteers, so we are reaching out to gather information on the feasibility of recruiting participants. This will only work if we can get many volunteers to participate and stay in the study for the full period.

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IN HIS WORDS – Dr. Amit Pandya

Posted On: martes, abril 06, 2021

Vitiligo’s crystal ball

One of the frustrating aspects of vitiligo is its unpredictability. It’s hard to know when it will become active and when it will be stable. Individuals with vitiligo tell me they often worry about waking up and finding a new spot on their skin. They worry about the future and wonder if their vitiligo will get worse. But what if there was a crystal ball that could tell you what was in your future?

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