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1. Barry-Hamilton, V., R. Spangler, D. Marshall, S. McCauley, H. M. Rodriguez, M. Oyasu, A. Mikels, M. Vaysberg, H. Ghermazien, C. Wai, C. A. Garcia, A. C. Velayo, B. Jorgensen, D. Biermann, D. Tsai, J. Green, S. Zaffryar-Eilot, A. Holzer, S. Ogg, D. Thai, G. Neufel, P. Van Vlasselaer, and V. Smith. 2010. Allosteric inhibition of lysyl oxidase-like-2 impedes the development of a pathologic microenvironment. Nat Med 16: 1009-17.

2. Clark, J. L., K. Dresser, C. C. Hsieh, M. Sabel, C. G. Kleer, A. Khan, and L. M. Shaw. 2011. Membrane localization of insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) is associated with decreased overall survival in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat.

3. Ghosh, J. C., T. Dohi, B. H. Kang, and D. C. Altieri. 2008. Hsp60 regulation of tumor cell apoptosis. J Biol Chem 283:5188-94.

4. Hanice, J. F., M. Houde, G. Beaudry, S. L'Esperance, G. Garon, M. Desaulniers, L. J. Hafer, J. I. Heald, S. Lyle, S. R. Grossman, B. Tetu, D. J. Sargent, and Y. Fradet. 2010. Comparison of histopathology and RT-qPCR amplification of guanylyl cyclase C for detection of colon cancer metastases in lymph nodes. J Clin Pathol 63:530-7.

5. Houghton, J., H. Li, X. Fan, Y. Liu, V. P. Rao, T. Poutahidis, C. L. Taylor, E. A. Jackson, C. Hewes, S. Lyle, A. Cerny, G. Bowen, J. Cerny, N. Moore, E. A. Kurt-Jones, and S. E. Erdman. 2010. Mutations in bone marrow-derived stromal stem cells unmask latent malignancy. Stem Cells Dev 19:1153-66.

6. Improgo, M. R., N. A. Schlichting, R. Y. Cortes, R. Zhao-Shea, A. R. Tapper, and P. D. Gardner. 2010. ASCL1 regulates the expression of the CHRNA5/A3/B4 lung cancer susceptibility locus. Mol Cancer Res 8:194-203.

7. Johnsen, S. A., C. Gungor, T. Prenzel, S. Riethdorf, L. Riethdorf, N. Taniguchi-Ishigaki, T. Rau, B. Tursun, J. D. Furlow, G. Sauter, M. Scheffner, K. Pantel, F. Gannon, and I. Bach. 2009. Regulation of estrogen-dependent transcription by the LIM cofactors and CLIM and RLIM in breast cancer. Cancer Res 69: 128- 36.

8. Li, H., X. Fan, C. Stoicov, J. H. Liu, S. Zubair, E. Tsai, R. Ste Marie, T. C. Wang, S. Lyle, E. Kurt-Jones, and J. Houghton. 2009. Human and mouse colon cancer utilizes CD95 signaling for local growth and metastatic spread to liver. Gastroenterlogy. 137: 934-44, 944 e1-4.

9. Mak, P., I. Leav, B. Pursell, D. Bae, X. Yang, C. A. Taglienti, L. M. Gouvin, V. M. Sharma, and A. M. Mercurio. 2010. ERbeta impedes prostate cancer EMT by destabilizing HIF-1alpha and inhibiting VEGF-mediated snail nuclear localization: implications for Gleason grading. Cancer Cell 17:319-32.

10. Palakurthy, R. K., N. Wajapeyee, M. K. Santra, C. Gazin, L. Lin, S. Gobeil, and M. R. Green. 2009. Epigenetic silencing of the RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene through HOXB3-mediated induction of DNMT3B expression. Mol Cell 36:219-30.

11. Trerotola, M., S. Rathore, H. L. Goel, J. Li, S. Alberti, M. Piantelli, D. Adams, Z. Jiang, and L. R. Languino. 2010. CD133, Trop-2 and alpha2beta1 integrin surface receptors as markers of putative human prostate cancer stem cells. Am J Transl Res 2:135-44.

12. Tzur, S., S. Rosset, R. Shemer, G. Yudkovsky, S. Selig, A. Tarekegn, E. Bekele, N. Bradman, W. G. Wasser, D. M. Behar, and K. Skorecki. 2010. Missense mutations in the APOL1 gene are highly associated with end stage kidney disease risk previously attributed to the MYH9 gene. Hum Genet 128:345-50.

13. Welch, C., M. K. Santra, W. El-Assaad, X. Zhu, W. E. Huber, R. A. Keys, J. G. Teodoro, and M. R. Green. 2009. Identification of a protein, G0S2, that lacks Bcl-2 homology domains and interacts with and antagonizes Bcl-2. Cancer Res 69:6782-9.

14. Xia, F., C. W. Lee, and D. C. Altieri. 2008. Tumor cell dependence on Ran-GTP-directed mitosis. Cancer Res 68:1826-33.

15. Gilbert, C. A., Daou, M. C., Moser, R. P., Ross, A. H. 2010. Gamma-secretase inhibitors enhance temozolomide treatment of human gliomas by inhibiting neurosphere repopulation and xenograft recurrence. Cancer Res 70:6870-9.

16. Özata, D.M., Yu, T., Mou, H. et al. Evolutionarily conserved pachytene piRNA loci are highly divergent among modern humans. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 156–168 (2020) doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1065-1