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Tissue Request Process


Use links below to Obtain Pricing/Information:


External Academic and Commercial Clients


Internal UMass Only 

Quoted fees are best estimates for requested service. Actual cost will be determined at completion of service.

 PLEASE NOTE: You may need to amend your IBC protocol if you are a first-time user of fresh tissue. 

Specimen User Agreement

Investigators receiving specimens from the UMCCTS Biorepository hereby agree to acknowledge the contributions of the Biorepository in all publications resulting from the use of these specimens (NIH Grant #UL1TR001453).  Investigators agree to assume all risks and responsibility in connection with the receipt, handling, storage and use of specimens.  Investigators further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Biorepository for costs, damages or expenses resulting from the use of the tissues provided. 

Tissues are provided as a service to the research community without warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, express or implied. The UMass Tissue Bank operates on a fee for service model and all fees reflect the actual expenses of cost recovery in providing services.


For more information on IBC, IRB approval, HIPAA compliance, and use of human specimens in research, please visit the following links:

UMass Chan IRB        UMass Chan IBC        UMass Chan HIPAA       

 NIH Human Specimens FAQ