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Healthy Isolated Primary Cells

Our Healthy Human PBMCs are isolated from normal healthy donor leukopaks collected in acid-citrate-dextrose formula A (ACDA) as an anticoagulant. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are purified by a density gradient centrifugation (Ficoll-Paque) and are available in frozen (cryopreserved) format.  Human PBMC are isolated from Leuko Pak (Apheresis-derived) which are highly purified, containing a purer population of mononuclear cells with higher viability when compared to buffy coat derived cells. Once isolated the cells are kept in cryopreservation media (CryoStor CS10).

Cryopreserved PBMCs can be stored in Liquid Nitrogen vapor phase for long-term storage. Short-term storage of cells (less than 2 weeks) at -80°C is acceptable but should be minimized to ensure maximum stability. Once thawed, samples must be used immediately, and cannot be frozen again.

Infectious Disease Testing: All donors must be tested negative for Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, West Nile Virus, HIV 1 & 2, Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1, Babesia and are IRB consented.

Sizes: 5M, 10M, 20M, 25M, 50M, 100M

Format: Frozen