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Stormwater Management

Only Rain Down the Drain

When melting snow or stormwater flows across parking lots and other paved surfaces it can pick up pollutants that eventually end up in the campus storm drainage system. Our hillside campus in Worcester overlooks Lake Quinsigamond, offering a beautiful vista and a reminder of our need to protect the lake as well as all of the watershed areas of our campuses.

To mitigate stormwater impact, UMass Chan Medical School conducts regular parking lot and road sweeping, catch basin cleaning and training of facilities personnel in stormwater management.

To continue enhancing its efforts, the school has prepared a draft of its first formal Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) to address stormwater regulations, operations and maintenance of the stormwater management system

The plan is now available for public comment. Click the image of the plan cover to read or download as a PDF.

Please send any comments to Stormwater@umassmed.edu 

Video: Overview of Stormwater Issues

by Think Blue Massachusetts

Think Blue duck.jpg

What is Stormwater Management?

Stormwater management is the effort to reduce runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns and other conveyances that ultimately end up in waterbodies. There are six minimum required stormwater control measures that go into a stormwater management plan.These six measures are:

  • Public education
  • Public involvement
  • Illicit discharge detection/ elimination
  • Construction site stormwater controls
  • Post construction stormwater controls
  • Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations

Examples of stormwater pollutants:

  • nutrients; fertilizers, leaves, garbage
  • pathogens; pet / wildlife waste
  • sediment; erosion, street deposition
  • toxic; pesticides, motor oils, cleaners
  • debris; litter & illegal dumping
  • thermal; hot stormwater in cold rivers

What can you do to help?

Everybody has a part to play in reducing stormwater pollution. These include; making sure that there are no discharges from buildings to storm water through doorways or other pathways, inspecting equipment and storage and removing sediment and debris from walkways. For materials used and stored outside,  purchasing only the amount of materials needed for the foreseeable future. 

Other Resources: 

Mass. Department of Environmental Protection
Stormwater outreach materials. https://www.mass.gov/guides/stormwater-outreach-materials-to-help-towns-comply-with-the-ms4-permit

General permits for stormwater discharges from small municipal systems in Massachusetts.

For more information, Contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at 508-856-3985