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International Travel

Ecuador Surgery      

Senior residents travel to Ecuador for additional experience in the surgical treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate and other congenital deformities. The UMass Division of Plastic Surgery has been traveling to Ecuador since 1991, with week-long trips planned to Salinas and Latacunga. One-week trips are made twice per year approximately six months apart as we collaborate with Ecuadorian plastic surgeons and medical schools. This long- term relationship has fostered faculty research interests in clinical quality and outcomes.

As part of our ongoing commitment to plastic surgery education and global surgery, the Plastic Surgery Residency Program, in collaboration with ConnectMed International, annually hosts a visiting international scholar. The visiting plastic surgeon has full access to the academic and clinical resources of UMass Chan Medical School to complete an academic project or public health initiative in their native country, as well as observing the full spectrum of plastic and reconstructive surgery operative cases at UMass Chan.

Wone Banda

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