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Psychiatry Elective Course Description

Course Name: Subinternship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Course Number: PS-424
Elective Type:

Brian Skehan, MD

Contact: Jennifer Hitchcock

Department: Psychiatry
Sites Available: UMMHC-University Campus
Months Offered: E1 - M4, M6 - M10
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd Year Psychiatry Clerkship 
Elective Description:
This elective offers exposure to and direct clinical involvement in a broad range of activities within the U Mass Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.  It is designed for students considering a career in child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as students interested in pediatrics who wish to learn more about mental health treatments for youth and their families.  The elective focuses on involvement with the child psychiatry consultation-liaison service to inpatient pediatrics and is supplemented by opportunities for participation in emergency mental health, youth mobile crisis, seminars, case conferences, and other activities. Dr. Skehan is the supervisor and evaluator for this rotation and meets individually with students on this elective weekly, to provide mentoring and to individualize each student’s activities to maximize the fit with the student’s specific interests. 
Note: N/A
Location: UMMHC-University Campus, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA  01655
Website: http://www.umassmed.edu/psychiatry/