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Pediatrics Elective Course Description

Course Name: Pediatric Cardiology
Course Number: PE-407
Elective Type: B1 

Kristin Laraja, MD

Contact: Maxine Schmeidler 

Department: Pediatrics
Sites Available: UMMHC-University Campus
Months Offered: E1 - M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery, and OB/Gyn Clerkships (strongly recommended)
Elective Description:
  1. Improve/develop skills in cardiac auscultation of infants and children,
  2. Learn to recognize the common innocent and organic murmurs of childhood,
  3. Develop an understanding of natural history of common cardiac defects and acquired cardiac conditions of childhood,
  4. Learn the basics of interpreting cardiac diagnostic testing including electrocardiograms and echocardiograms,
  5. A short didactic on topic of your choice will be researched and presented.
Note: N/A
Location: UMMHC-University Campus, Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) Building, 2nd floor
Website: Department of Pediatrics  http://www.umassmed.edu/pediatrics/