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International Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name Global Health Surgery
Course Number INTUSU-465
Elective Type B1
Coordinator Michael Chin, MD
Department Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, UMass Chan
Sites Available UMMHC - University Campus and Antigua, Guatemala
Months Offered August (not UMass Chan block dates)
Number of Weeks Offered 2 weeks
Number of Students/Month 1
Prerequisites (1) Successful completion of 3rd year clerkships; (2) Selection by Dr. David Kim and Dr. Michael Chin to participate in the elective; (3) Obtain necessary approvals for the global health experience
Enrollment Process Approval from coordinator required; email approval to electives@umassmed.edu to schedule

Elective Description:  Global Health Surgical experience serving vulnerable populations in developing countries. This is a two-week clinical elective that allows students to gain an understanding of surgical care in an international setting. During the first week, the student will participate, to the extent of his or her current training, in surgical cases with the Surgicorps International non-profit organization. Surgical cases typically include general surgery, plastic surgery and OB/GYN cases. The student will spend the second week reflecting upon the experience and creating a presentation on a medical topic of interest encountered during the trip. Additional or alternative topics for reflection, writing and creation of case presentations can be explored by the student and the faculty advisor for the elective. For example, a student may seek to write and try to publish a case study instead of creating a presentation on a medical topic.

  • Offered to UMass Students Only
  • Submit a GHER via the IMEP Program website