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Dermatology Elective Course Description

Course Name: Clinical Dermatology
Course Number: DE-411
Elective Type: B1 
Coordinator(s): Leah Belazarian, MD  leah.belazarian@umassmemorial.org
Contact:  Esmeralda Valois Esmeralda.Valois@umassmemorial.org
Department: Medicine (Dermatology)
Sites Available: UMMHC-Hahnemann Campus
Months Offered: E1 - M10  (E1-M3: approval required; preference is given to students interested in pursuing a career in dermatology) 
Number of Students / Month: 2
Prerequisites: 4th year student; also open to visiting students
Elective Description: This elective will facilitate the students' understanding of common diseases of the skin, as well as some of the more rare dermatoses. We will emphasize the correct use of morphologic terminology, examination technique, and the appropriate workup for arriving at a diagnosis.  Students will have a basic understanding of approaches to treatment for the more common skin diseases. They will also develop a sense for which patients need to be referred to a dermatologist.

During the rotation, students will have exposure to a diversity of clinics including general, pediatric, surgical, laser, and cosmetic dermatology. Each student will have the opportunity to interview and examine patients independently prior to presenting to faculty.  Students will observe and in some cases, participate in surgical procedures.  Students will also have the opportunity to evaluate inpatients with acute issues on the consult service.  Overall, the experience will be geared toward the career goals of the individual.

Teaching sessions, an online curriculum, visual aids, journal club meetings, Grand Rounds and outside reading will also facilitate the student’s awareness of the broad scope of dermatologic issues that may affect patients. This elective sees primarily ambulatory patients.  
Note: Students interested in July(M1) and August(M2) clinical dermatology electives who are pursuing a career in Dermatology, please contact Esmeralda Valois.
Location: UMMHC-Hahnemann Campus, 281 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA  01605   
Website:  www.umassmed.edu/derm/