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Question 2

Which of the following problems might be seen after a stroke involving the vertebral artery that infarcts the left side of the rostral medulla, but spares midline regions? Indicate ALL correct answers. 

a. Inability to see things on the left side (left homonymous hemianopsia)
b. A drooping left eyelid (mild ptosis) and a small left pupil (miosis)
c. Choking on food because of problems with swallowing
d. Hoarse voice
e. Vertigo, nausea, and vomiting
f. Paralysis of the right leg, accompanied by brisk deep tendon /muscle stretch reflexes

Answer to Question 2

b. A drooping left eyelid (mild ptosis) and a small left pupil (miosis)  click to see image

c. Choking on food because of problems with swallowing  

d. Hoarse voice  

e. Vertigo, nausea and vomiting