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Contact us

The staff at the Sanderson Center for Optical Experimentation are always happy to help you with experiment planning, instrumentation recommendations, training and consutations. 

For us to best help you, we recommend you book a meeting with us – these meetings are typically 30-minute meetings via zoom. You can easily book a meeting with us at your own convenience using the booking calendar which automatically syncs to our calendars. Description of meeting types can be found below:

Microscopy consultation: Our standard meeting to discuss experiment planning, instrumentation options, image analysis consultations and more. Please include a quick description

First training session and Second training session: These can be booked for in-person training to use a specific instrument at the SCOPE. To schedule one of these sessions we require that you follow the steps on the training page here. A consultation and online training are required before you book this session. And you will get access to use the instrument independently after the 2 training sessions are completed, and you will then get access to the facility and the calendar to book the equipment.  

MERFISH Project Meeting: If you have any questions about starting a new MERFISH project including learning more about the method and getting a quote, please book this meeting type. If you have an ongoing project with us – please feel free to schedule this type of meeting for data evaluation or any follow up questions. If you would like to compare all available spatial biology methods offered at the SCOPE please book either a MERFISH or GeoMx meeting and mention you would like information about both methods in the notes section. 

GeoMx Project Meeting: If you have any questions about starting a new GeoMx project including learning more about the method and also getting a quote, please book this meeting type. If you have an ongoing project with us – please feel free to schedule this type of meeting for data evaluation or any follow up questions. If you would like to compare all available spatial biology methods offered at the SCOPE please book either a MERFISH or GeoMx meeting and mention you would like information about both methods in the notes section.

Assisted Imaging: You can book time with a SCOPE staff member to do your imaging for you. This option does not require you to be specifically trained on the instrument but you will need to fill out the contact form with information about the experiment or book a microscopy consultation so that we can determine with instrument would be best for your experiment. Please include details in your booking related to the experiment.

Contact us form: Please feel free to contact us through the form for quick questions or to help determine what type of meeting you should book. 

Contact Us