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Samson Jolly, MD, PhD

Internal Medicine Resident, UMass Chan Medical School

Former RTI Lab: Zamore Lab
Training Period: 2012 - 2020
Prior Academic Degree Institution: The University of New Hampshire

  Samson Jolly 

Thermus thermophilus Argonaute Functions in the Completion of DNA Replication: A Dissertation

Samson M. Jolly is a graduate of The University of New Hampshire with a BS in Biochemistry and Temple University with an MA in Organic Chemistry. Prior to matriculating at UMass Chan Medical School in 2010 as an MD/PhD candidate, he worked at Merck as a medicinal chemist on teams designing small molecule inhibitors of HIV reverse transcriptase and HIV integrase that led to two FDA approved drugs.

His current interests include RNAi therapeutics and genome maintenance. Following completion of a rotation in the lab of Dr. Phillip Zamore, he joined the Zamore lab and recently completed his doctoral work to expand our understanding of the role of Argonaute proteins in prokaryotes. Sam is currently finishing his last year of medical school.