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Vivek Sharma, PhD

Associate Director at MassBiologics, Technology Nucleic Acids

Former RTI Lab: Postdoctoral Fellow, Watts Lab
Training Period: 2013 - 2018
Prior Academic Degree Institution: University of Delhi, India

  Vivek Sharma    @VivekSharmavks

Vivek Sharma received his PhD in chemistry in 2014 from the University of Delhi, India. Since then, he has been working in the Watts Lab as a postdoctoral fellow. His current research interests include development of low-cost microfluidic gene synthesis, approaches to improve the in vitro delivery of peptide nucleic acid, and exploring the effect of neutral linkage between conformationally locked nucleotides for gene silencing applications. Vivek has been awarded the 2012 Young Scientist Award; the 2015 Best Thesis Award by the Association of Carbohydrate Chemists and Technologists, India; the INDIRA Award by the Indian Ministry of Education; and travel grants by the Nature Publishing Group and Gordon Research Conferences.