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Maire Osborn Jung, PhD

Associate Vice President, Genetic Medicine, Eli Lilly

Former RTI Lab: Postdoctoral Fellow, Khvorova Lab
Training Period: 2013 - 2018
Prior Academic Degree Institution: Oregon Health Sciences University, Oregon, USA

     Marie (Osborn) Jung     @MFOSBORN

Dr. Maire Osborn's interest in drug development began during her undergraduate training in chemistry at McGill University. She then moved cross-country to pursue graduate studies at the University of Oregon. During an early rotation with Dr. Jim Remington, she crystallized and solved the structure of a pink GFP-family protein, which solidified her enthusiasm for structural biology. Her graduate work with Dr. Vickie DeRose involved a biochemical investigation of cellular RNA crosslinking and structural/functional perturbation by platinum (II) anticancer therapeutics. During this time, she frequently attended the RNA Society meetings, and realized that she could combine her dual interests in RNA and drug development within the field of RNA therapeutics. This led her to pursue a postdoctoral position with Dr. Anastasia Khvorova at the RNA Therapeutics Institute at UMass Chan Medical School. Upon completing her postdoc, she joined Dicerna as a Scientist and worked her way up to the Director of Neuro Discovery within a few short years.