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Contact Us

If you are interested in using the Optical Cameras or have questions, please contact:

Mary Rusckowski, Ph.D. 
Department of Radiology, S6-315 
Tel: (508) 856-6972 
Email: mary.rusckowski@umassmed.edu

Alice Truong
Department of Radiology, S6-308
Tel: (508) 856-3791
Email:  alice.truong@umassmed.edu

Department of Radiology 
UMass Chan Medical School 
55 Lake Avenue North 
Worcester, MA 01655,USA 
Fax: (508) 856-6363

Camera Locations

IVIS-100: Animal Facility, A-level, Room SA-443
IVIS Spectrum CT: Animal Facility, A-level, Room SA-414
Vevo 3100 Ultrasound:  Animal Facility, A-level, Room SA-414