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On the Job in Interventional Radiology


Hands-On Experience

We understand that it takes more to become a great Interventional Radiologist than watching cases, you have to work with your hands. Our faculty give residents as much hands on exposure as possible using graduated responsibility.

Multiple Training Sites

Residents rotate at the UMass Memorial Medical Center University Campus and the Memorial Campus. Residents also rotate through the surgical ICU, vascular surgery, vascular Lab, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital outpatient vein clinic.

It is rare for an interventional radiology program to have the breadth of strength as our program at UMass Chan. While there is no substitute for determination and hard work, a diverse procedural experience is very important for the growth of interventional radiologist-in-training.

At a Glance

Cases performed:

  • TIPS
  • angiographies
  • embolizations
  • radioembolizations
  • chemoembolizations
  • thrombolysis
  • nephrostomies
  • biliary procedures
  • ablations

LifeFlightLevel 1 Trauma Center

The UMass Memorial Medical Center University Campus Emergency and Trauma Center sees thousands of patients every year. This gives us many opportunities to perform life-saving embolizations.

Liver Transplantation

Approximately one quarter of all liver transplantations done in the state are performed at UMass Memorial. We perform many elective, urgent and emergent TIPS, as well as BRTOs, on cirrhotic patients. Additionally, we perform many ablations and oncologic embolizations for hepatocellular carcinoma.

Specialized OB/GYN

UMass Memorial has the region’s only complete group of specialists in high-risk pregnancy, gynecologic oncology, infertility, urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders. We do many embolizations for postpartum hemorrhage, as well as oncologic treatments for gynecologic malignancies.

BWH Vein Clinic

Our residents do away rotations at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s vein clinics to learn minimally-invasive treatment of varicose veins.


The Surgical Intensive Care Unit at UMass Memorial Medical Center University Campus has 36 beds and does approximately 1,200 admissions each year. Our residents rotate in the SICU for four weeks, and treat patients from general surgery, trauma surgery, vascular surgery, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery and other specialties.

Neurointerventional Radiology

UMass Memorial is well-known for its Neurointerventional Radiology Division, which has a history of innovation and leadership in the field. Our residents rotate through NIR to gain experience with stroke intervention, aneurysm/malformation repair and other procedures.

Vascular Surgery

UMass Memorial is also well-known for its strong vascular surgery department, and the UMass Chan Medical School Interventional Radiology Residency has a close working relationship with them. Our residents each rotate for four weeks through vascular surgery to gain experience with aortic aneurysm repair, peripheral vascular disease and other vascular treatments.