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UMass Radiology and IT hosts PACs Demo

Date Posted: martes, mayo 05, 2015

On April 9th & 10th, UMass Radiology and IT hosted an on-site demo for four PACS vendors: GE, Agfa, Fuji and CareStream.  These four vendors were selected after an extensive evaluation process conducted at RSNA last November by Patricia Richardson, Patrick St Jean and Scott McAdams from UMass IT, in conjunction with Max Rosen and our PACS consultant, Joe Marion. Radiologists, Residents/Fellows, technologists and Radiology administrators, in conjunction with our PACS IT team were able to conduct extensive “hands-on” evaluations of all four systems. Feedback to the IT team was provided via a structured evaluation form.  The next step will be development of a detailed RFP (request for proposal) which will be sent to at least two vendors for specific proposals to provide a new PACS system for the UMass Enterprise (UMass Memorial, Marlborough, Clinton, and Health Alliance).

The Carestream team and Dr. Larry Zheng
The Fuji team with Drs. Darren Brennan 
and Sathish Dundamadappa
The Agfa team with Tiron Pechet from
Shields Radiology Associates
The GE team with Drs. Deepak Takhtani
and Joe Roebuck