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New Siemens CT scanner installed at Memorial

Date Posted: miércoles, julio 01, 2015

CT scanner at MemorialThanks to tremendous efforts from Kathy Green, Marcia Amaral, and Dr’s. Max Rosen and Steve Beaudoin, a new Siemens SOMATOM Definition Edge single source CT scanner has been installed and is now operational at Memorial Campus. A similar CT will also be installed in the University Emergency Department this Fall; CT imaging our patients receive at both campuses will be identical. Among many advantages, this scanner will allow us to perform cardiac CTA at Memorial and will also significantly reduce the x-ray dose in comparison to the previous Memorial scanners.

This advanced scanner incorporates the latest technological features enabling very high contrast and resolution at lower dose than in previous generation CT scanners. Its 128-slice capability allows for high resolution in all directions and enables visualization of exquisite anatomic detail. In terms of technical capabilities, imaging performance and radiation dose, this scanner is without question one of the best available today. This CT scanner employs a new version of x-ray detector which exhibits very low electronic noise characteristics and its advanced dose modulation feature adjusts the x-ray beam during the scan depending on the body part thickness and composition. The x-ray beam can be adjusted to deliver the dose asymmetrically during the x-ray tube and detector rotation, a useful feature to reduce dose to the breast, thyroid or the lens of the eye.

The configuration of this scanner was a challenging process in terms of evaluation of the technology and the configuration of the available technical features that could be deployed to deliver the best care to our patients at Memorial Campus, but has been a success.

CT Scanner at Memorial with Techs(Eileen Veroneau, Claudine Basquiat, and Jay Hagan)