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New Physician

Date Posted: viernes, diciembre 11, 2015

Letterio Salvatore Politi, MD

Letterio Salvatore Politi, MD photoLetterio Salvatore Politi, MD joined the Department in November and will be appointed as Associate Professor in Radiology. Before coming to UMass, Dr. Politi was Head of Clinical and Research Unit in the Neuroradiology Department for 13 years at San Raffaele Scientific Institute and University, in Milan, Italy. He received his Medical Degree from University of Catania Medical School (Italy), Radiology Boards at University of Florence Medical School (Italy) and completed a Neuroradiology fellowship, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (Italy).

Dr. Politi’s clinical and research interests include imaging of orbit and visual diseases, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, and neuromuscular disorders. He was inspired to become a doctor by “the desire to try to understand the nature and the essence of human beings (“Quid est homo?”).” He was attracted to UMass by its exciting clinical and scientific environment.

Dr. Politi has a spectacular four-year-old child, Guido, and a wife, Alessandra. He enjoys photography in his spare time. Dr. Politi states, “It is a pleasure to join the UMass Radiology team!”