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David Deary Nominated for Advance Practice Provider Award

David Deary Advanced Practice AwardDavid Deary, APP in IR at Harrington Hospital, was nominated for the 2023 Advanced Practice Provider Clinical Practice Award.

Although the committee selected another candidate to receive the award, he was recognized during the 2023 APP Awards Ceremony.

Nomination Letter

Dear Awards Committee,

When I think about what it means to be a leader I think about David Deary. I can confidently say he is the most dedicated, skilled, and compassionate advanced practice provider (APP)  that I have ever worked with. 

David consistently goes above and beyond in his role as lead APP, a position only he could fill when our department was undergoing changes. 

He is a true leader, not only in his title as the lead in our department, but in his work ethic, commitment to our profession, and fierce loyalty to our group.  He is an incredibly skilled proceduralist yet humble, and is always seeking ways to expand his knowledge and skills through ongoing education and professional development. 

He is the sole APP in IR at our newly acquired Harrington location, providing much needed access for our patients in the community who require image guided diagnostic of therapeutic interventions.

What sets David apart, however, is his genuine compassion and dedication to his patients. He takes the time to listen to their concerns, answer their questions, and provide them with the highest level of care. His bedside manner is exceptional, and his patients consistently speak highly of him and appreciate the level of attention and care he provides.

David's contributions to our healthcare team extend beyond his direct patient care. He is a natural leader and is always willing to go the extra mile to support his colleagues and our division. He is an active participant in the Radiology Quality and Safety Council and recently helped create a peer review system for our APPS, a practice historically reserved for medical residents.

In addition to his outstanding clinical skills and patient care, David is also deeply committed to advocacy. He had a crucial role in expanding Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) in the state of Rhode Island, his advocacy taking him all the way to Washington DC, where he spoke at the White House. His actions ultimately lead to the expansion of the pre-existing law, with changes going into effect in 2014.

I cannot think of anyone more deserving of the Advanced Practice Provider Award than David Deary. His dedication, expertise, and compassion make him an invaluable asset to our healthcare team and a true advocate for our patients. Not only is he an incredible provider, lead APP, and colleague, he is an all-around great guy.

Thank you for considering David's nomination. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information or references.

Thea Nolan