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Donna White - Hospital Haiku Winner

Donna WhiteDonna White was chosen as 1 of 5 winners of the UMass Memorial Medical Center Haiku Challenge. Donna received a UMass mug as a prize, reported Radiology Coordinator Kara Wormell. 

Do you have COVID
You are not alone in this
We are here to help
- Donna White, Radiology, Medical Center 

Donna White is an Ambulatory Service Rep in Radiology. She has been at UMass for 17 years, all of which has been in the Radiology Department. She schedules for Interventional Radiology at Memorial, but also confirms ultrasound exams with our patients. She is very focused on patient satisfaction. Outside of UMass, Donna loves to work in her gardens at home, where she can enjoy the sun and fresh air (especially after wearing a mask all day). Donna does not write poetry, but thought she would give it a try when the challenge came out for our caregivers to share their COVID-19 reflections through poetry.

Congratulations Donna!

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