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Joelle Wazen Contributes to J1 Blog

J1 Blog bannerRadiology Resident Joelle Wazen, MD contributed a cross-cultural statement to the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates and it was published on the Exchange Visitor Program Route J1 web page.

From the site:

Discovering the Beauty of Many Cultures

I’m from Lebanon. I left home to be part of the Exchange Visitor Program to pursue my specialization in Radiology. So far my extracurricular experience has been very enriching. I’ve had the chance to participate in multiple events, gatherings and activities with my fellow residents and other colleagues at the medical center. Being part of UMass Radiology has given me the chance to experience events such as the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, celebrate Thanksgiving etc… Also I visited multiple museums such as the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and did not miss to climb the skyline and visit the bean, spent a whole day at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC and then enjoyed a walk by the Potomac River...

...It’s been an enchanting journey so far. I feel blessed to be able to achieve my dream of becoming a Radiologist with the cherry on top, discovering the beauty of many cultures but most importantly how much we human beings are alike despite the differences.

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