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Reception for Raul Padron, PhD

Dean Terrance Flotte and Department Chair Max Rosen hosted a celebratory reception for Raúl Padrón, PhD who was recently elected into the National Academy of Sciences. Attending the reception was Chancellor Michael Collins, Dr. Padrón's wife Beulah, fellow colleagues and faculty and long time collaborator Roger Craig, PhD. There are currently six National Academy of Science members at UMMS. Dr. Padrón is the only Foreign Associate. Read more about Raúl Padrón and the NAS honor in a previous issue of RadNews.

Reception for Raul Padron, PhD - National Academy of Sciences Member Reception for Raul Padron, PhD - National Academy of Sciences Member
Reception for Raul Padron, PhD - National Academy of Sciences Member Reception for Raul Padron, PhD - National Academy of Sciences Member