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Dr. Puri Interviewed

Dr. Ajit Puri, Division Chief Interventional Neuroradiology, was interviewed by WBZ news after the recent TIA mini stroke suffered by former Patriot's star Tedy Bruski. Dr. Puri discussed the Stroke Warning Signs BE FAST. View the interview.

Stroke Warning Signs

  • B - Balance Difficulties
  • E - Eyesight Changes
  • F - Face Drooping
  • A - Arm Weakness
  • S - Speech Difficulties
  • T - Time to Call 911

Dr. Ajit Puri interviewed by WBZ television

BE FAST - Stroke Warning Signs from Tedys Team website

Tedy Bruski and his wife founded Tedys Team to raise awareness about stroke after suffering his first stroke at age 31. The BE FAST diagram above is from the Tedys Team website.