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Updates From Former Fellows from Mongolia

It is always nice to hear from the fellows who have stayed with us. I am happy to share news and photos from our former fellows in Mongolia.

Dr. Orkhon GombosurenDr. Orkhon Gombosuren, who spent two months at UMass Chan Center from August to September in 2016, is currently working as a radiologist at Ulaanbaartar Sondo Hospital in Mongolia. Dr. Orkhon said, “I was fortunate to be able to improve my knowledge and interpreting skills through participating in this short term visiting fellowship program at UMass radiology in the body division. Since my return, the experience studying at UMass has contributed a lot to my daily work. I was able to start reading pelvic MR independently. Importantly, I updated CT and MR protocols at our hospital based upon the protocols at UMass.”

Post graduate education is uncommon in Mongolia, and junior faculty often have a hard time obtaining experiences and skills in interpreting advanced CT and MR imaging. Although on-line educational sources are available, one to one tutorials and observation of daily clinical work are very helpful.

“I really enjoyed studying at UMass, living with my host family and visiting New England area. It was an extraordinary experience. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Max Rosen, Professor Kim, faculty in the body division, and other radiology staff members for giving me such a wonderful opportunity,”- Dr. Orkhon. 

Dr. Zaya Duisenbi, a visiting fellow in 2015, and Dr. Delgerekh Sainjargal (Degi), a visiting fellow in 2017, also expressed their gratitude.

Dr. Zaya Duisenbi, Visiting Fellow Radiology UMass Chan Medical School“Mongolian doctors gained experience and skills over the last years thanks to the short term visiting program provided by the UMass radiology department. The program helped me a lot to build a solid foundation for my career in radiology. As it was my first time visiting America, I enjoyed it a lot and had a wonderful memorable time. During my training at UMass, I definitely expanded my knowledge of Body and Breast imaging, and after completion of my training. I started to read abdomen and pelvis CT and MR imaging independently and shared my knowledge with my colleagues in Mongolia. I send my warmest regards to all the staff and doctors at the Department of Radiology at UMASS."-Dr. Zaya

It is heart-warming to read such a kind note from a former fellow. 

Dr. Degi visiting fellow Dept. of Radiology UMMS“I have become more confident in reading MRI after completion of the two-month visiting program at UMass. I was extremely happy and proud when one of my abstracts was accepted to ECR 2017. It was my first international presentation. I would like to thank all radiology faculty and staff.” -Dr. Degi

“We all would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Dr. Patricia Sutman and her family for allowing us to stay at their home near UMass.” Dr. Sutman and her family have provided home stay for the visiting fellows since 2015. - Dr. Orkhon, Dr. Zaya, and Dr. Degi.

“Success in life lies in being able to serve others. Having said that we are successful in life. Receiving these kind words from Mongolia is an added bonus. It is indeed a great pleasure to have such wonderful, gracious, and motivated doctors seeking to improve themselves in spite of their strenuous schedules. Medicine as a profession requires a lifelong learning mind-set to which they are dedicated. My interaction with the highly dedicated junior doctors was humbling and I learned a lot from them as well.”

- Dr. Young Kim