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Massachusetts Medical Society Technology Award

Hillary Mullan MS3, UMass Chan Medical SchoolHillary Mullan MS3 won the Massachusetts Medical Society’s 2019 Technology Award. She is a medical student who's capstone project was mentored by Yasmin Carter, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Translational Anatomy. Hillary designed and created a 3D printed model of the female pelvis. Her goal is to publish the model and make it available for students, trainees and patients to use and learn from. Ms. Mullan says "The minimal cost involved in making these models allows them to be accessible at all levels of education and all institutions. I imagine that it would be helpful for institutions without access to cadavers or during health education classes. I will be providing the Ob/Gyn and Uro/Gyn departments at UMass with models that they can use to pilot in their anatomy education lectures and provide feedback. One model was used to supplement cadaveric dissection in the first-year anatomy course. I do hope that the model can be used to promote women's health through an improved understanding of anatomy."

Prior to Medical School Hillary did some graphic design work and found it rewarding. During medical school she has had artwork published in a variety of online journals specializing in medical humanities (Pulse, Intima, Thirdspace). She was excited to participate in this project as it was an opportunity to explore the intersection of medicine, creativity and design. 

Hillary Mullan MS3, UMass Chan Medical SchoolThe models were created using computer aided graphic design sortware (Fusion 360) and 3D printing software (Makerbot). The model was designed based on anatomy atlases and cadaveric models. She stated that "Dr. Carter gave me a lot of freedom to explore my interests and learn new functions of the software and printer.  She also provided me with the idea of modeling the female pelvis as the anatomic relationships are complicated and it is difficult for students to master the material through dissection alone. Dr. Carter was really helpful in reviewing drafts of my presentation and I am very grateful for her support throughout this work. Her enthusiasm always is infectious!"

When asked about the award process Hillary reflected "I was aware of the award because it was included in one of the bulletins we received however I did not seriously consider applying until my medical school mentor, Dr. Sharmilee Korets recommended that I look into  it. The initial application consisted of a video presentation describing the project which my sister helped me film in a hallway of the Albert Sherman Center. Sometime in the late fall I found out that I was a finalist. To be honest, this was much farther than I was expecting to go. The final stage of the selection process involved presenting the project to the Committee on Information Technology at the Massachusetts Medical Society. The projects completed by the other finalists (from Tufts and Harvard) were very impressive and It was so much fun to learn about the work that they were doing."

Hillary finishes by saying "I don't know where I will be for residency but I am really motivated to continue to fit 3D printing and design into my career and practice."

Massachusetts Medical Society Announcement