Letter from the Chair

It’s been a very busy winter! A few weeks ago we opened our second, NEW, University MRI – which will greatly enhance our ability to care for our ED patients and inpatients in a timely fashion. The new 128 channel magnet will also provide state-of-the art elastography, cardiac sequences and metal artifact reduction. This fall we welcomed Dr. Raúl Padrón to our Cell Biology and Imaging faculty who joins UMass from his native Venezuela. Next week Dr. Padrón will receive one of the highest honors in science, as he joins the National Academy of Science.
We also celebrate several faculty who have been recognized by our colleagues and patients for outstanding clinical care, along with numerous community outreach efforts including “Go Red for Women”, Dr. Puri’s interview in the T&G, and Drs. Yeboa and Kutcher-Diaz’s work with students from North High School in Worcester.
This month we found out the results of our successful resident match for July 2020 and formally welcome several new faculty and our new academic administrator, Jenna Gerrish. Unfortunately we also said good-bye to Dr. Josh Leeman who has moved to Los Angeles – (sparking speculation about any potential connection between Josh’s move from Boston to LA and the Sox's 6 and 13 record vs. the 12 and 8 record of the Dodgers).