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Dr. Hussain Appointed to CIRE

Sarwat Hussain, MD, Professor of Radiology UMass Chan Medical SchoolDr. Sarwat Hussain, Division Chief Global Radiology, has been appointed to serve as a member of the Committee on International Radiology Education (CIRE) by the Board of Directors of the Radiological Society of North America.  The appointment is a three-year term beginning at the close of the 2018 meeting. The committee is responsible for (1) implementing Board-authorized programs designed to educate and train qualified international radiologists on issues, skills and technologies not readily available to them, particularly those in low resource nations; (2) pursuing programs, including electronic applications for distance learning, to enhance and elevate the level of radiologic education in low resource nations; (3) providing educational programs and materials at the Annual Meeting to raise awareness of RSNA involvement in international education and outreach, as well as spotlighting relevant issues identified through committee programs; and (4) advising the Board of Directors on international issues in radiology education and research.

Dr. Hussain is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Global Radiology.

Congratulations Dr. Hussain!