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Morning Huddle

Health Alliance Starts Morning Huddle

Finally started our morning huddle with our Nurse, and lead techs from each modality. I think everyone enjoys it, takes five minutes and allows us to plan our day. As seen on attached images there are occasional conflicts that we can solve, for instance today only myself and Dr. Venkataraman are working and there are arthrograms/liver Bx and Barium studies scheduled same time….

Amin Chaoui, MD
Chief of Radiology, Health Alliance

HA Morning Huddle
Pictured from right to left are: Danielle McHugh RT, CT, Betti Watari RT, Mammography, Amin Chaoui MD, Jayne Roose, RN, Christina Tallman, RDMS (ultrasound), Donald Branconnier RT/Fluoroscopy is seated behind dr Chaoui). Photo credit: Dr Sham Venkataraman

HA Morning Huddle