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Radiology Graduation 2018

Radiology Graduating Residents 2018Graduating Radiology Residents and Fellows were honored at a dinner ceremony on June 14, 2018 at Tower Hill Botanic Garden. The evening was organized and coordinated by Gabrielle Carbone and Kathy DeLongchamp assisted by Cindy Wilson and Tom Delaney. Department Chair Max Rosen presented the opening remarks followed by Carolynn DeBenedectis, Director of the Radiology Residency Program and Gopal Vijayaraghavan, Director of the Fellowship Program who took over as MCs. 

Several other awards were presented during the evening. The Jerry Balikian "Extra Mile" Award was presented to Daniel Burritt. The graduating residents honored Young Kim, MD with the Teacher of the Year Award. Madison (Ballard) McKenney received the 2018 RSNA Roentgen Resident/Fellow Research Award. Dr. DeBenedectis presented gifts, thanks and praise for the graduating Chief Residents Daniel Burritt and Anna Kuhn. She also gave special thanks and gratitude to the faculty who served as Residency Mentors; Alan Goldstein, Ryan Tai, Chip Watts, Helen Kim and Karen Buch.

The graduates along with their future plans are listed below.

Graduating Radiology Residents

  • Daniel Burritt, MD, Vascular Interventional Fellowship, Beth Israel, Boston, MA
  • Michael Caruso, DO, Emergency Radiology Fellowship, Mass General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Eileen Delaney, MD, Breast Imaging Fellowship, Beth Israel, Boston, MA
  • Anna Luisa Kuhn, MD, PhD, Neuroradiology Fellowship, 2018 Beth Israel, Boston, MA;  2019 – INR Fellowship at UMMS, Worcester, MA
  • William Parkhurst, MD, Vascular Interventional Fellowship, University of Alabama

Graduating Radiology Fellows

  • Staci Gagne, MD (MRI) - Thoracic and Cardiac Imaging Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Juliann Giese, DO (Musculoskeletal Imaging) - General Radiologist, SDI Imaging, Tampa, FL
  • Michael Morrow, DO (Breast Imaging) - General Radiology, Kansas Imaging Consultants, Wichita, KS
  • Vivek Pargaonkar, MBBS (Neuroradiology) - MRI Fellowship, UMMS, Worcester, MA
  • Matthew Peckham, MD (Abdominal Imaging) - Radiologist, CRA, Syracuse, NY
  • Gabriela Santos-Nunez, MD (Emergency Radiology) - Abdominal Imaging Fellowship, UMMS, Worcester, MA
  • Ahmed Sobieh, MBChB (Neuroradiology) - Emergency Radiology Fellowship, UMMS, Worcester, MA
  • Jason Vergnani, MD (Interventional Radiology) - Interventional Radiologist, Inland Imaging, Spokane, WA