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Chancellor's Medal for Distinguished Teaching

Anne Gilroy Chancellor's Medal for Distinguished Teaching 2017

Anne Gilroy Presented Chancellor's Medal for Distinguished Teaching

Chancellor Michael F. Collins, MD honored Associate Professor Anne Gilroy, MA with the Chancellor's Medal for Distinguished Teaching during Convocation on September 13, 2017. Professor Gilroy is a Course Director for the Development Structure and Function Course (DSF), a foundation course for first year medical students. She is faculty in the Division of Translational Anatomy in the Department of Radiology and Director of Anatomy and Imaging Resources for iCELS.

From the UMMS News:

Anne Gilroy, MA, associate professor of radiology, received the Chancellor’s Medal for Distinguished Teaching. As recipient of the recognition, Gilroy will receive the Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching, a $10,000 gift made possible through the generosity of Donna and Robert J. Manning, chairman of the UMass Board of Trustees.

“For 28 years, you have taught anatomy to our medical students. But, your contributions to the education of our learners extend far beyond that one course and the borders of our campus,” Collins said, presenting the medal to Gilroy. “In fact, you have been described as an ‘institution within an institution.’ Your textbook and atlas of anatomy are renowned the world over; actually described as bringing ‘miracles’ to learning by some who have used them to master your art. Much like a talented painter, you bring focus and clarity to a subject that revels in the beauty of the body and reveals its intricacies only through a mastery facilitated by great teaching.”

Learn more and access link to video of awards ceremony.