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In the Spotlight - Tom Delaney

Date Posted: lunes, julio 17, 2017

Thomas Delaney, Department of Radiology UMass Chan Medical School

Tom Delaney recently became the Audio Visual hero of Radiology! In early July, Tom was able to repair the broken Audio Visual system in the Radiology Conference Room, including replacing the room’s main processor. It was a short-lived triumph to have the room up and functional for the first time in a number of months, however, when that same evening the Medical School was hit with a major power surge, crippling the room once again. Luckily, Tom quickly located replacements for the affected equipment, and brought the room back online. He has since added a surge protector to the system to insulate it from future electrical surges.

Yet Tom didn’t stop at the repair of the existing room. He went on to update one of the projectors that was showing signs of age and projected an image with a very yellow cast. The projector replacement he found on eBay is an identical match to the other projector in the room. Taking the project even further, he completed wiring that will allow digital projection and much sharper images during conferences. Going forward, Tom plans to update other equipment in the system as well.  Tom has proved to be very resourceful in both his problem-solving and cost-effective equipment investigation, and specializes in repurposing available equipment as the University updates to newer systems.

Many people noticed the improved sound quality at the Radiology Graduation dinner this year. Tom brought in the equipment and set up both the sound and projection system. He saved the evening when the projector burned out a bulb and he was ready with a back-up.

Tom began his career at UMass in 1996, working in several departments before joining the Information Technology Audio Visual team.  Having worked in that capacity for 9 years, Tom remembers when the Radiology Conference Room was installed, and, fortunately for Radiology, he understands the equipment. He was then invited to join Cell Biology in 2009 to take charge of the new technology in the Anatomy Labs, and to assist faculty with their instructional  technology needs in the lecture halls, iTLC, and online.

Tom joined Radiology in 2015 along with other members in Division of Translational Anatomy who transferred from the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology. Now that the Clinical side has discovered his AV talents, we’ll certainly see more of him above A Level!

An audio professional for nearly 40 years, Tom brings to our department extensive experience in coordinating AV for events and concerts, including professional sound for many award-winning musicians and artists. He is married to Andrea Delaney in Information Technology, and has three sons, two tractors, and no tattoos.

Thank you for bringing the Radiology Conference Room back to life, Tom! Kathy Delongchamp, Gabi Carbone and the Residents are all very grateful!

Thomas Delaney, Department of Radiology UMass Chan Medical School