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Idea Board: July

Date Posted: lunes, julio 17, 2017


NAME(S): Lisa V.   Area: University - Diagnostic

What is the problem/waste? Patients are cold

Idea: Add a blanket warmer in ED Radiology

Date the idea was implemented: 4/1/2017

NAME(S): Kevin Reynolds   Area: University - Admin

What is the problem/waste? No hydration protocol

Idea: Created hydration protocol and shared with staff

Date the idea was implemented: 4/1/2017

NAME: Cindy Tefft   Area: University - Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste? Patients taking photos during exams

Idea: Create a poster indicating no filming

Date the idea was implemented 4/1/2017

NAME(S): Kristy Mulcahy  Area: Memorial - Diagnostic

What is the problem/waste? No communication where the IPAD is

Idea: Dry erase poster hung by IPAD to sign out IPAD and communicate where it is.

Date the idea was implemented: 4/12/2017

NAME(S): Brenda Donnelly/Linda Anderson  Area: Hahnemann - Diagnostic

What is the problem/waste? Patients requesting CD's and not picking them up

Idea: CD requests are taken over the phone but not processed until the patient presents to pick it up. This will save money in supplies and time. We will not have to follow up on the CD's to have them picked up or hold them on unit.

Date the idea was implemented: 4/28/2017

NAME(S): Sue McGuire/Tim Clark   AREA: Hahnemann - Diagnostic

What is the problem/waste?  Nothing accessible to clean your hands after touching the time clock

Idea: Numerous people touch the time clock... so we had a hand sanitizer installed next to the time clock outside the radiology department so we can clean our hands after touching the kronos screen

Date the idea was implemented: 5/8/2017

NAME(S): Diane and Tim  AREA: University - Nuclear Medicine

What is the problem/waste?   Bone density reminder phone calls very time consuming.

Idea: CallPointe bone density patient reminder phone calls automated for T+3.

Date the idea was implemented: 5/23/2017