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Transition - Joe Makris, MD Leaves UMass Chan

Date Posted: lunes, enero 30, 2017

Dr. Joseph Makris bid farewell to his UMMS friends and colleagues at a reception on January 17, 2017. Some photos from the reception are below. Radiology Department Chair Max Rosen, MD, MPH sent the following message about Dr. Makris to the department and fellow UMMS colleagues.

Dr. Joe Makris will be leaving UMass after 12 years as a UMass Radiology faculty member, in addition to the four years at UMass as a medical student. During his time in Radiology Joe has provided excellent leadership of our Pediatric Radiology division, as well as numerous other roles including: Radiology Residency Director, Vice Chair for Radiology Education, and Course Co-Director for the first year DSF course.  Joe will be moving to Atlanta where he will be joining a private-practice Pediatric Radiology group.  I cannot thank Joe enough for all his contributions to our patients, medical students, residents and community.

On Dr. Makris' last day he sent this message:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As most of you know, this is my last day at UMass. It has been an honor and a privilege to have worked with you all.
I am thankful to all of you for helping to make my career here at Umass a rewarding and stimulating experience.  My fellow colleagues and the residents are a superb group and it seems as if I learn something from you every day.  Furthermore, everyone in the radiology department -  physicians, technologists, administrative staff etc ,  have always been so friendly, personable, and helpful making each day a little brighter!
I feel fortunate to have grown  as a radiologist here and for the opportunity to participate in teaching  residents, fellows and students. I can only hope that they have learned as much from me as I have from them.
I wish you all good health, happiness and continued success!
Please keep in touch.
Best wishes,