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Radiology Staff Are Good Samaritans

Date Posted: lunes, enero 30, 2017

This past October, Jessica Flint, the Department of Radiology Staffing Coordinator was driving along on a Saturday morning when she spotted an injured baby rabbit on the side walk of a busy street. She knew she had to help and turned around to pick her up. The rabbit’s leg was severely broken. She telephoned her co-worker Cindy Wilson, Administrative Assistant to the Chair of Radiology, and together they took the baby rabbit to Tufts Wildlife Clinic in Grafton. For one week it was touch and go as the orthopedic surgeon at Tufts tried to assess if her leg could be surgically repaired.  It would require pins and a lengthy rehab stay at the Wildlife Clinic. After two sessions of x-rays and taking into account her strong and spunky personality, he decided she would be a good candidate to handle the extensive surgery and proceeded. “Precious”, as she is now known, came through with flying colors and after just a couple of weeks was moved to an outdoor enclosure to let her acclimate to the changing fall temperatures. After several more weeks (8 weeks in total), she was examined and given the green light to return to the wild. Jessica and Cindy were notified and joined the staff for the walk into the woods to let her go. When her cage door was opened, she took off like a rocket to enjoy her second chance at life.

Rescued bunny