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Radiologist Praised by Colleague

Date Posted: lunes, agosto 28, 2017

A Radiologist within our department was recently praised by a fellow physician:

Hi [Name withheld on request],

I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for what you did for [patient name removed] on July 10th. I had been seeing him for hygromas, intracranial hypotension and presumed CSF leak, and sent him in for a repeat MRI due to persistent mild headache symptoms, which revealed a rather large subdural which I'm sure you recall. I saw him in the office today and he told me about how you took him to the ER yourself in addition to facilitating his ER visit (and attention from neurosurgery) because of the urgency of the matter.  He's doing great since evacuation of the SDH, and as you know the leak was possibly identified on the lumbar MRI.  The blood patch seems to have helped.  

I am so grateful (but not surprised!) by your extraordinary care of this patient and wanted to personally thank you for your time and concern!

I hope you don't mind I'm copying [name withheld] on this email ... I just wanted him to hear it as well if he wasn't already aware of what you did.  We are so lucky to have you at UMass! ; )
