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Residency Interviews

Date Posted: lunes, noviembre 21, 2016

Match Day is an extraordinary day in the lives of all Medical Students around the nation as they each find out where they will be spending the next few years in their residency. For UMass Radiology, the process of determining who will start on July 1, 2018 began in September of 2016 when applicants begin applying. 485 UMass radiology applicants to be exact. Below are some statistics for this year’s interview/match process:
5 – # of spots open for the 2018 PGY2 year
485 - # of UMass radiology applicants
98 – # of applicants scheduled for interview
14 - # of interview days (between November 1st and January 11th)
Feb 22nd – match rank order list is due
March 17th – Match Day at noon
Interviewers this year: Drs. Carolynn DeBenedectis, Joseph Makris, Christopher Cerniglia, Hemang Kotecha, Staci Gagne, Jeffrey Rappleye, Matthew Peckham
Interview Coordinator: Gabrielle Carbone

Dr. Carolynn DeBenedectis welcomes residency candidates