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Letter from the Chair

Date Posted: lunes, noviembre 21, 2016

Max Rosen, MD - Radiology Department Chair

Dear All,

I am writing this in the post Thanksgiving pre-RSNA window. I hope that everyone had a nice holiday yesterday and was able to connect with friends and/or family. This year at RSNA, the department will be represented by a combination of 10 faculty, residents or fellows, presenting topics covering a wide range of areas from Breast Imaging to Quality reporting. As many of you know, Dr. Joe Makris will be leaving UMass for private practice in Atlanta (more details to follow soon about an event to say “Thank You” to Joe for all his contributions to the Department, Hospital and Medical school) and I am pleased to announce that Dr. Carolynn DeBenedectis will become our new Residency Director. This issue of RadNews also features information about this year’s Residency candidate interviews which started in November, as well as exciting news about our recently approved new fellowship in Emergency Radiology. We feature a “great pick-up” by Drs. Bennett and Goldstein, and welcome Timothy Clark as our new Clinical Quality Project Manager. Other articles feature an update on our new Video Remote Interpreting (VIR) system for communicating with patients who speak foreign languages and an update on Toloo Taghian, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in Alexei Bogdanov's lab presented a poster at the UMMS 21st Annual Research Retreat in Amherst.
