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Idea Board: November

Date Posted: lunes, noviembre 21, 2016

NAME(S): Kathy Green   Area: Radiology Admin - University

What is the problem/waste? Imagecast reports being automatically printed. Over 1 million pages/year

Idea: Identify the owners of these reports, determine if reports are still needed, cancel any reports not claimed or no longer needed

Date the idea was implemented: 10/11/2016

NAME(S): Kathy Green   Area: Radiology Admin - University

What is the problem/waste? Unable to effectively meet via video/conference with member hospitals. Requested Web/Ex account

Idea: Need Webex Account for radiology to more efficiently and effectively interface with HA, Clinton and Marlboro Hospitals

Date the idea was implemented: 10/18/2016

NAME: Beth Gorman Area: Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste? Not available person for portables

Idea: Individual daily list assignment list for portables.

Date the idea was implemented 10/3/2016

NAME(S): Uday Dhurva  Area: Ultrasound - University

What is the problem/waste? Patients being requested as portables unreasonably from Stepdown ICU

Idea: Cindy spoke with Nurse Manager, discussed plan to be sure patients who really need to be done bedside for safety reasons are done that way and one who can down will so patients get proper care and techs don't get abused

Date the idea was implemented: 10/18/2016

NAME(S): Uday  Area: Ultrasound - University

What is the problem/waste? Calling in cytology at last minute in IR

Idea: Made plan with MD's to protocol for cytology on out-patients with Becky in advance when booking, same with in-pts with work-up, saves much time

Date the idea was implemented: 10/31/2016

NAME(S): Cindy   AREA: Ultrasound - University

What is the problem/waste?  Probe hanger in ER room basket broken and holder not secure

Idea: New wall mount holder same as others in dept now standard, all holders now have stabilizers for probes.

Date the idea was implemented: 11/15/2016