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Radiology Research Night

Date Posted: viernes, marzo 18, 2016

All Radiology faculty, residents, fellows, and staff are invited to attend a Radiology Research Night.

Matt Gounis and Takamitsu Tamaru
Matt Gounis, PhD and Takamitsu Tamura, MD, PhD
Stroke Research

Mary Rusckowski - Optical Imaging
Mary Rusckowski, PhD and Yuzhen Wang, PhD
Small Animal Imaging

Date, Time, Location

The event will take place on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, from 5:15 - 7:00 PM in the Radiology Conference Room (S2-819).

The goal of the event is for attendees to learn about research projects by Clinicians and Researchers in Radiology and opportunities for joint research.

Learn about research opportunities

The evening will consist of five minute talks by the senior basic science faculty and clinical faculty who do research. Each will talk about their current research projects and opportunities for residents to work with them.

Refreshments will be served in the Radiology Library adjoining the conference room following the presentations.

For more information contact:
Mike King, PhD, DABR
Professor and Vice-Chair for Research
Department of Radiology

PDF flyer