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Letter from the Chair

Date Posted: viernes, diciembre 16, 2016

Max Rosen, MD - Radiology Department Chair

Dear All,
This week we celebrated the holidays with our annual departmental lunch at the Memorial, Hahnemann and University campuses, all documented by Charlene in the “Holiday Party Photo Gallery.” Before Thanksgiving, many members of the department participated in our “Thanksgiving Food Basket Donation” during which we provided Thanksgiving baskets for 22 Worcester families in need. It’s a pleasure to be part of a department which shows such commitment to each other and our community.
On the “academic front” UMass was well represented at RSNA, which included presentations by Dr. Carolynn DeBenedectis, Elizabeth Yuan (UMMS medical student), Dr. Eileen Delaney and Dr. Gregory DiGirolamo’s (whose talk was also covered by AuntMinnie.)
On the “international front” we have an update from Dr. Daniel Burritt’s experience in China, and wish Dr. Sarwat Hussain well as he embarks on his year-long sabbatical to Iraq.
We also recognize Madelin Oquendo for her outstanding efforts to provide exceptional care for our patients, Dr. Jean-Marc Gauguet as the new interim division chief in Pediatric Radiology, and coverage of Dr. Steven Baccei’s and Dr. Hesham Malik’s work in the ACR Bulletin and at the American Liver Foundation’s New England Division’s outreach symposium.
Wishing you all safe, happy and enjoyable holidays.
