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Dr. Hussain 2017 Sabbatical to Serve Iraq Hospital

Date Posted: viernes, diciembre 16, 2016

Sarwat Hussain, MD, FRCR, FACR Global Radiology Division Chief at UMass Chan Medical School Department of RadiologyDr. Sarwat Hussain, Professor and Division Director of Global Radiology, will spend the year 2017 in Iraq. Dr. Hussain will help commission the 168 bed Imam Al Hujja Charity Hospital. He will serve as a Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of Radiology. 

Imam Al Hujja Hospital is a newly constructed charity hospital in the Holy City of Karbala, Iraq, (www.karbalahospital.org)   (https://drfcharity.org/projects/karbala-hospital).

The city of Karbala (population= 1 million) is situated south of Baghdad. Karbala is frequented by millions of visitors a year to the shrine of 7th century saint "Imam Hussain". Million of ‘pilgrims’ visit Iraq every year to pay homage to their Saint.

Dr. Hussain will return in January 2018 to resume his position at UMass.

 Imam Al Hujja Hospital - Karbala, Iraq
Imam Al Hujja Hospital, Karbala, Iraq
 Imam Al Hujja Hospital - Karbala, Iraq
A two bed patient care unit