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Two Radiology Faculty Members Tapped to Support Medical Student Education

Date Posted: lunes, agosto 15, 2016

Joe Makris, MD - Learning Community Mentor

I am pleased to let you know that the Dean has endorsed Dr. Joe Makris as one of our new Learning Community Mentors.  Joe brings to our group new representation in Radiology along with his skill as an educator and advisor.  He will join Burncoat House with a start of August 1, 2016 at 0.07 FTE  and would grow to 0.25 FTE over the course of 4 years as he works with an increasing number of students.

UMMS Learning Communities

Joseph Makris, MD - Assistant Professor UMass Chan Medical School Pediatric Radiology

Eusthathia Lela Giannaris, PhD - Co-Leader Capstone Scholarship and Discovery Course

I am delighted to share with you that the Dean has named Dr. Eusthathia Giannaris as one of the co-leaders of the Capstone Scholarship and Discovery (CSD) Course.  Lela’s commitment to educational innovation and leadership is clear and she is well-suited for this role.

Capstone Scholarship and Discovery Course

Eustathia Lela Giannaris, PhD - Division of Translational Anatomy - Radiology University of Massachuetts Medical School

Michele Pugnaire
Senior Associate Dean,
Office of Educational Affairs