Program Goals

The close collaboration with our clinical partners from pulmonology and cardiology affords our fellows learning opportunities in interventional pulmonology and cardiology, as well as in echocardiography. We also collaborate with our clinical counterparts on a weekly basis with multidisciplinary conferences, including an interstitial lung disease conference, a thoracic oncology tumor board, a lung cancer screening conference, a radiology-pulmonology and a radiology-cardiology case conference.

The CTI section interprets approximately 110,000 studies per year. Our CTI faculty currently includes 6 attendings, all of which are devoted teachers and/or researchers. The CTI section also hosts a growing number of research fellows. Clinical interests of the CTI section focus on the imaging of interstitial lung disease, airway imaging, imaging of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oncological imaging, imaging of cardiac disease, both adult and pediatric, and the imaging of cardio-pulmonary interactions. The CTI section also runs a rapidly growing CT lung cancer screening program. Our fellows participate in daily teaching rounds, as well as in a number of multidisciplinary clinical conferences. Finally, our fellows are encouraged and supported to actively participate in national and international CTI meetings and conferences.