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Twarting antibiotic resistance in Pseudmonas aeruginosa

Read Pukkila-Worley, MD, Professor of Medicine, talks about the research in his laboratory

Pukkila-Worley laboratory

The major goal of the Pukkila-Worley laboratory is to characterize mechanisms of immune homeostasis in intestinal epithelial cells. We aim to use these discoveries to identify innate immune pathways that can be exploited to develop new therapies, which can modulate host immune activity.

Our laboratory uses C. elegans as a discovery platform to define evolutionarily ancient mechanisms of pathogen sensing and immune activation. On the right, a photograph of a nematode that has been infected with the important human bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aerginosa, is shown. Individual bacteria can be visualized within the markedly distended intestinal lumen of the animals. Also shown is the whole lab at the major international meeting in our field.

Pukkila-Worley lab photo

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Nick Peterson, MD, PhD Candidate and Read Pukkila-Worley talk about the scientific and training environment at UMass Chan Medical School.





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ATTENTION Ph.D. and M.D., Ph.D. rotation students!

We want you to rotate with us!


5 Ph.D. Graduates since 2020

Average time to graduation in the Pukkila-Worley lab: 3 years, 9 months

UMass Chan Average: 5 years, 9 months 

(Above data do not include the first year of rotations)

Recent Exciting News

  • 9/18/24: Sammy's companion papers published in Immunity AND Cell Reports! Wow!
  • 4/25/25: Read won the Dean's Award for Outstanding Mentoring
  • 4/3/24: Sammy defended her Ph.D. thesis!
  • 3/15/24: Nick matched in the Stanbury PSTP at MGH!

  • 11/2/23: Amanda accepted! Future MD,PhD!
  • 10/31/23: PLOS Pathogens paper- Mo's thesis research!
  • 8/2/23: New paper!  Congrats Sammy!
  • 7/20/23: Mo defended his Ph.D. thesis!!
  • 7/15/23: Subhash got job as Assistant Professor!
  • 6/21/23: Nice article about the lab
  • 5/1/23: Sammy wins a prestigious grad student award!
  • 3/7/23: Nice write-up about our paper in UMass Chan NEWS
  • 2/17/23: Nick and Sammy published a paper in Immunity!!

  • 7/14/22: Nick won a Poster Award at #MAPS2022 Meeting
  • 6/30/22: Nick defended his thesis!
  • 3/10/22: R01 #1 renewal success. Score in the 2nd percentile!!
  • 1/31/22: Nick's paper featured on the cover of eLife!!

More news...

eLife Journal Cover

Immunity Journal Cover

  • lab members dressed in Halloween costume

    Award winning Halloween costume


Email Read to apply or with questions or to apply.