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Mindful Leadership

Training and Related Resources:

Institute for Mindful Leadership

The Institute offers retreats and workshops that train the mind’s innate capability to be focused, see with clarity, cultivate creativity and embody compassion. www.instituteformindfulleadership.org

Huff Post – Mindful Leadership

On the Mindful Leadership page, the Huffington Post -- in partnership with the Institute for Mindful Leadership -- shares insights and stories on what it means to be a mindful leader and how the practices of meditation can make an important difference in your work and personal life. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/mindful-leadership/

Mindful Magazine – Mindful at Work

Mindful is an initiative that celebrates being mindful in all aspects of daily living—through Mindful magazine, mindful.org, and social media. For those who want to be mindful and those who are interested in various forms of mindfulness practice, we offer a broad range of personal stories, news-you-can-use, advice, and insights.

MindKind Institute: Lead by Wisdom

MindKind Institute offers innovative career development opportunities, including executive coaching, mindful leadership workshops and courses, as well as retreats; all with a focus in cultivating mindfulness and shaping leaders to lead with greater wisdom, power, and authenticity to influence purposeful and lasting change.


Related Articles:

Garms, E. (2013, March 8). Practicing Mindful Leadership. Retrieved from: https://www.td.org

Additional General Leadership Resources