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General Mindfulness

Training Programs & Related Resources

UMass Chan Medical School Center for Mindfulness

Mission: explore, understand, articulate and further mindfulness in the lives of individuals, organizations and communities through clinical care, rigorous scientific research, professional training, and informed public discourse.

UMass Chan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry Mindfulness Webpage

Access information on education and training opportunities, mindfulness publications and research, and resources. http://www.umassmed.edu/psychiatry/resources/mindfulness/

  • Mindfulness Academic Interest Group: The Mindfulness Academic Interest Group (AIG) brings together clinicians, educators, students, community members and researchers to share information and resources, collaborate on projects and research, and practice mindfulness meditation. The AIG also hosts several outside speakers each year. For more information about the AIG, contact Carl Fulwiler, MD, PhD at Carl.Fulwiler@umassmed.edu

MGH Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine

The Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine has developed Advanced Specialty Trainings. Access information on training opportunities and prerequisites for participation. https://bensonhenryinstitute.org

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

CIMC, established in 1985, is a nonprofit, nonresidential urban center for the practice of insight meditation, located in the heart of Cambridge, MA, USA. Access information on programs offered, including workshops and scheduled practices. http://www.cimc.info/

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

MARC's mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society. Access information on classes and events.http://marc.ucla.edu/