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Child Serving Systems of Care Consultation

The UMass Chan Medical School Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry provides expert consultation to a variety of child & family serving systems of care. Below are a number of areas where our faculty currently consult.

  • Pediatric Behavioral Health Medication Initiative – In collaboration with MassHealth, the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Children and Families, PBHMI is our state’s Medicaid psychotropic oversight program for children under 18 years of age. This program aims to promote appropriate use of psychotropic medication through a prior authorization system. The highest risk cases are reviewed by a multidisciplinary, interagency team that includes two of our faculty.
  • Department of Mental Health – Our faculty members provide consultation to DMH Area Offices and Central Office helping to create developmentally informed clinical programming and provide assessments for DMH eligibility and services. The clinical expertise provided by our faculty ensures the department continues to serve our Commonwealth’s children and families living with mental illness in a family driven, youth guided model of care.
  • Department of Children & Families – Children in the child welfare system are some of our most vulnerable youth in society and have specialized medical and mental health needs. The Office of the Medical Director at DCF is supported by ForHealth Consulting to provide medical expertise to DCF. Our faculty member consults to DCF to help inform psychotropic oversight efforts and provide case consultation.