Student Complaint Procedures

Creating a positive learning environment for every learner on the UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) campus is a top priority. The UMass Chan Director for a Positive Learning Environment is dedicated to ensuring a safe, secure and positive learning environment for all learners on campus, including students from the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, post-doctoral scholars and residents/fellows in Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs.

The Director serves as a confidential resource for all of our learners, offering guidance and support to learners who have experienced or witnessed mistreatment, and collaborating with other university offices including, but not limited to, the Diversity and Inclusion Office (DIO), the Title IX Officer, Human Resources (HR), the Associate Deans for each school, and Student Counseling Services to further advocate for and support our learners.

You may initiate confidential contact with the Director for a Positive Learning Environment through any of these means:

For more information about the Appropriate Treatment of Learners policy and other reporting options please visit:

To file a complaint and or for more information about sexual assault or harassment please visit: